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Green Venues™ software suite provides the flexibility to:  

  • incorporate existing data
  • interact with existing software
  • be accesible from almost any location and platform
  • visually select features to manage
  • spatially enable work orders and service requests
  • perform proximity analyses
  • allow detailed querying and reporting
  • attach photos and other documentation to features

Getting started with Green Venues™:

The staff at Advanced Data Solutions works one on one with clients to form a data model based on client needs. If you need certain themes and attributes, that's what you'll get. You won't be saddled with extraneous data fields. You can start with a blank dataset or existing data may be converted.

No GIS data? No worries. Advanced Data Solutions can geocode from attributes (such as street addresses), publicly available data sources (local governments' hi-res aerial photography, USGS satellite imagery, TIGER street data and others) or customers may contract with a data collection company for high resolution aerial photography.

Asset managers have the capability to customize data, queries, and reports. They can control user access, generate and monitor maintenance work orders, and utilize additional features of the software for their sites.

Green Venues™ can be integrated with your institution's Web site to allow controlled access to data through the internet. This is a gateway for Web site visitors to explore a site independently.

A kiosk can be set up in your facility to allow visitors to access public data in the Green Venues™ database. For example, an arboretum visitor might use the software to find a tree of interest, printing out a map and fact sheet.

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